my best friend's name is Sebastian Santander. Hi has almoust my same age, twenty two . He just to live in my street, very close to my house, but he left that house a couple months ago. Well I know him sense 2000 or 2001, thanks to his cousin, he didn't like me very well at first I thought "he its kind of nerd". We are similar in many ways, taste en music, art, literature, close, studies, hobbys, way to see life, kinds of people that its important to us. But we have totaly different personality he it's very inmature sometime, impulsive, extremly espontanious. I think and then I act, he it's totaly the opposite. but that it's exactly the reason why we get alone well, we complement each other. One of the things that I love most about Sebastian is that he is the most friendly person that exist, everybody loves him right away and the other thing is that he is very clever, has greats ideas, and he it's good and what he do, he is always making academic and social proyect, always busy. I can do anything and go everywhere with him. I think that the only bad thing in our friendship it is that we argue often, but its always for small thing, he it's very sensitive and worried so sometime he make things more important that what really are. We need each other alot the biggest experience should be growing up together.