domingo, 14 de junio de 2009

between-look= entre-vista

First of all, i have to mention it's that the way that Ken Robinson has to says thing, making jokes and everything i thinks it's great and make that espontainously you put more attention of what he it's saying. so about the contain of that, well i'm agree with what he says about creativity and the way that shools kill it. This i guess it's a fact (and not just because there art estrict school) the school programs should increase all kinds of skill and help to develop diferent ways of thinking and not under an squematic pre-determined way. You can see the consecuences of this problems for example, in the academical choises and work choises, people are not just to it to do what they want with liberty, the ajust to universal canons of save successful. Killing creativity it's killing liberty in many ways. Education should be more flexible and less punitive, kids have a lot to say about that.


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